Shi Shi Beach

On a windy and chilly day, we caught the ferry to the Olympics with the intent to hike Cape Alava and ended up at Sol Duc Hot Springs Resort to soak in the mineral pools and gorge on the great food. Then we were off to Shi Shi Beach. We stopped to the Makah Reservation for our permit to be on the reservation ($10) Then we parked in a private yard a mile down the street from the trail head ($10). The trail begins on boardwalk and excellent trail and then it deteriorates into mud. (I know now how the dinosaurs felt in the tar pits). We had to veer off the path to avoid the worst of it and were not always successful. We had been warned how it could be muddy, but this surpassed our expectations. Then we went down a slight incline (Interpretation: Insane drop -off cliff) to the campground along the beach in the trees. Well, with all the gorgeous little wildflowers covering the ground in every direction, we had reached heaven for sure! We made camp and walked out to the Arches. Saw tons of starfish of every variety and all kinds of sea life. Went into some VERY COOL caves and unique rock formations. This was worth that sloggy hike and then some! It rained all night but we hardly noticed because our tent was so sheltered by the trees. Nice hike after the steep cliff thing…if you liked to play in mud when you were a kid…..