Hiking after the Accident Mendenhall Glacier

We took a sabatical after having a very bad rear-ender in our Jeep Classic the day before my birthday in November. Jeff and I are finally coming along and slowly “toodling” over some relatively flat surfaces. We are up to @5 lbs on the back. (We were used to 30+) We were looking forward to some snow shoeing and x-country this winter, but that will wait until we are able to do it again, perhaps next fall/winter. It is very hard to keep the spirits up when your body is not cooperating. I suppose the best recouperation is that I am getting some reading done (where do I want to hike?) and we WILL hike by this summer in the elevation! (If we have to crawl up that switchback!) I took one of the best hikes in my life yesterday on the ice out to the Mendenhall glacier…..